Since 2021
Born in Japan
The energy thatcomes out of"dailycoding".
Generativemasks is not an artwork created for NFT, it’s an artwork born out of continuous creations “dailycoding”.
When takawo developed the algorithm, he focused on the cognitive nature of human beings trying to find something of characters or life in symmetrical patterns. The prototype of Generativemasks started with simple dot graphics in April of 2019. He discovered that he was able to make some characters look like an invader game by placing the low resolution dots symmetrically on the screen. He then applied this idea to other graphic materials such as 2D and 3D primitive shapes, photographs, and letterforms, and continued to make more prototypes.
The History
Pixel Art &Symmetry
The prototype of Generativemasks that takawo made in the very early days was simple dot graphics in April of 2019. At the time, he found out that he was able to make some characters look like an invader game by placing the low resolution dots symmetrically on the screen.
2D Primitives &Symmetry
The basic shapes of 2D circles, squares, and triangles are laid out while leaving the symmetrical structures in place. Overlapping and combining these shapes makes them look different and unique.
Character Form &Symmetry
Rather than the basic shapes, Kanji and Emoji are used as well. For example, Kanji with its unique form can create the impression of a "Kabuto" (a decorative samurai helmet) and Emoji can give a sense of atmosphere and message.
3D Primitives &Symmetry
Learning and developing from past practices and experiences, takawo brought both "symmetry” and “basic shapes” into the 3D space, giving a sense of its unique presence.
2D Primitives &Symmetry &Bordering
Bringing the concept of "borders" to something that is made up of symmetrical and basic shapes made it feel more like a mask. It also looks like collectible items like a badge or sticker.
Generativemasks was created by tuning the parameters of the shapes and changing their directions. This is how Generativemasks was born, literally from takawo's continuous creations “dailycoding”.
Even after the launch of Generativemasks, takawo continues his dailycoding activity to make more creations with different tastes and atmospheres by adding color gradations and creating complexity in the shapes.
takawo is an proponent of “dailycoding” and practices it as his coding style. Instead of coding in a goal or result driven way, he practices the philosophy of discovering small new things in life, just as if he makes miso soup every day. And he is sharing all of his creations and codes. The reason why he is doing this is because he really loves to share the creativity that he puts into his art with everyone so that we can be more creative together! You can see his dailycoding and creations on his Twitter as well.